Tuesday 14 July 2015

N-deal throws open new avenues for Pakistan : Latest News , Pakistan News Today.

N-deal throws open new avenues for Pakistan

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan welcomed on Tuesday the historic deal between Iran and world powers on Tehran's controversial nuclear program and called for expeditious implementation of the pact.
"I think it is very good progress in that direction and from our point of view we have a large number of possibilities of energy, Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline and a number of other projects which were affected by the sanctions," Adviser to the Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs and National Security Sartaj Aziz said.
Answering a question at a press briefing at the Foreign Office, he said that following the lifting of sanctions Pakistan would move quickly to begin implementing the energy agreements.
"So as soon as the sanctions are lifted we can very rapidly start the implementation of those agreements and at the same time trade possibilities will expand; right now there are lot of payment difficulties between Iran and Pakistan and more importantly Iran's integration in the region in terms of economy will also lead to political advantages," Mr Aziz said.
He expressed the hope that Iran's return to the mainstream would also "promote unity of the Muslim Ummah" by addressing the underlying sectarian issues.
"Pakistan welcomes the important comprehensive nuclear agreement reached between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the P5+1," the Foreign Office said in a statement on the deal signed in Vienna.
With the conclusion of the deal after more than a decade of complex negotiations the focus has moved to its implementation.
Under the agreement, Iran will allow the International Atomic Energy Agency access to verify compliance to the restrictions placed on its nuclear program and in return sanctions will be lifted.
"We look forward to the expeditious and smooth implementation of the provisions of the comprehensive nuclear agreement by all its signatories," the FO said.
It recalled Pakistan's consistent support for a negotiated settlement of the nuclear issue.
"As a neighboring country, we have also reiterated that reciprocal confidence-building measures relating to Iran's nuclear program auger well for peace and security in our region," the FO said.
The deal represents a major opening for Pakistan to benefit from the new business opportunities that would emerge once the Iranian economy is unshackled.
Economists believe Iran's re-entry into global economy would create business opportunities worth tens of billions of dollars for both local and foreign companies.
Pakistan will particularly be interested in finalizing its gas pipeline deal and other energy agreements that have long been held up because of the crippling sanctions. Pakistan's cement industry can also benefit from the new situation.

Ref: Dawn July 15th, 2015


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