Monday 13 July 2015

PTI questions election of 'defaulter' Sharif brothers : Latest News , Pakistan News Today.

PTI questions election of 'defaulter' Sharif brothers 


By Dawn News Reporter 
LAHORE: Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf Chairman's political adviser Ejaz Chaudhry has asked how the Sharif brothers contested general elections 2013 when they were loan defaulters. He said that Shahbaz Sharif had claimed that the Sharif family settled Rs5.22 billion loans, mark-up, cost of fund and other charges by December 2014. In a statement issued here on Monday,Mr Chaudhry also asked from which source the Sharif brothers got those Rs5.22 billion when Nawaz Sharif and Shahbaz Sharif owned Rs1.842bn and Rs142.2m assets, respectively, as per the Election Commission of Pakistan record. The nation wanted to know why the 10-year-old loans were settled by the Sharif brothers within six months after assuming power in the Centre, lie questioned.
He said the entire Pakistan knew that Sharifs had been corrupt for decades and they did not want NAB to challenge their corruption. "If NAB position stands validated, the prime minister and his brother should be sent behind bars for lying to the nation," he said. PTI leader Dr Yasroin Rashid said Shahbaz, who used to promise stern action against Asif Ali Zardari and his companions over corruption and wanted to rip open their bellies and drag them in the streets to make them return looted money, was him-self soaked in corruption. She said Shahbaz's son Hamza was preaching that corruption was bound to happen in Pakistan and NAB had no authority to question their corruption. She said the entire status quo had started ganging up against NAB be it Sharif brothers or Asif Zardari. National Assembly Speaker Ayaz Sadiq was worried and wanted to file a reference against NAB because NAB was challenging his masters, she added. She said Ayaz Sadiq held a very high office which demanded him to stay neutral and above the fray of party politics.
TAREEN: PTI central organizer Jahangir Tareen has demanded accountability across the board, including against the prime minister and Punjab chief minister. Speaking at an If tar dinner hosted by PTI chairman's political adviser Abdul Aleem Khan for party workers and supporters in Lahore on Monday, Tareen said the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government had set an example of catching the big fish found involved in corruption. He said the KP government had had arrested its two ministers on corruption charges. "A country cannot be put on the right path until and unless stringent accountability is done across the board:' he said. Tareen said the P11 would contest the upcoming elections in each and every street and reach to the masses at their doorstep. PTI Punjab Organizer Chaudhry Sarwar claimed the PML-N was di& tributing huge development funds to its MPAs as well as its ticket holders who had lost elections against the PTI and other opposition party candidates to rig the local body elections. He said the PTI would write a letter to the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) to lodge a protest against the use of public resources for "pre-poll rigging" in the upcoming elections. He said the ECP must ensure holding transparent and fair elections. Sarwar said the PTI would also demand deployment of Rangers during polling in the elections. Aleem Khan said he had headed the party's Lahore district in its crucial times. During the last two years, he said the PTI had remained on the roads and fulfilled all the tasks given by the party chairman.

Ref: Dawn News 14-07-2015


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